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Дата регистрации: 21 Apr 2014
Офлайн Последняя активность: Apr 21 2014 23:29

#659077 Два интересных письма. Ничего не понимаю

Автор: smirnovboris : 21 April 2014 - 23:31

Здравствуйте, я тоже получил подобные письма. Однозначный развод....


Alisha Herrmann sent you $850.00 USD.
Dear Smirnov Boris,
 Transaction ID: 25R53752C8035773T
            This payment has been successfully deducted from the buyer's PayPal™ account and will be credited into your PayPal account as soon as we receive the shipment tracking number or scanned copy of ship receipt to verify shipment status of the purchased item(s).
You are advised to ship the item immediately and send a copy of the shipment receipt by clicking [email protected] for immediate processing and release of your payment. Please check below for further details.
Please understand that in order to prevent any fraud occurrence, all PayPal transactions are now fully monitored by the Interpol. You can click here for more information
Dear Smirnov Boris , 
         This email confirms that you have received a payment of $850.00 USD from  Alisha Herrmann ([email protected]).
    Receipt ID: 0816-3592-2843-1502 
The number above is the buyer's receipt ID for this transaction. Please retain it for your records so that you will be able to reference this transaction for customer service.
View the details of this transaction online 
It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account, depending on shipment verification processing.
Payment Details
Currency:  USD 
Transaction ID:  3KE23688RH994624N 
Quantity:  1
Delivery Information
Name:Nanette Lewis
Address:334 thrall street apt 2
City: Cincinnati
State: Ohio
Zip Code: 45220
Country: USA
Means of Postage:  DHL
Address status:  Confirmed  
This PayPal® payment has been deducted from the buyer's account and has been "APPROVED" but will not be credited to your account until the Shipment Tracking Number is sent to us for shipment verification so as to secure both the buyer and the seller. Below are the necessary information requested before your account will be credited. Send tracking number to us or email us through this mail [email protected] and our customer service care will attend to you. As soon as you send us the shipment's tracking number to us for security purposes and the safety of the buyer and the seller,the money will be credited to your account.
                                                             **PLEASE NOTE**
 Once shipment has been verified and the Tracking Number sent to us, 
You will receive a "CONFIRMATION EMAIL " from PayPal® informing you of the transaction completion
Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------------
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and 
 you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal 
account and click the Help link located in the top right corner of any 
PayPal page.
PayPal Email ID: PP305
 Alisha Herrmann
Photographic Item 

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